10 Mei 2008

Library public relations, promotions and communications: A how-to-do-it manual.

Title:Library public relations, promotions and communications: A how-to-do-it manual. Author(s):Ken Haycock. Source:Teacher Librarian 27.4 (April 2000): p.43. (218 words) From Expanded Academic ASAP. Document Type:Magazine/Journal Bookmark:Bookmark this Document Library Links:
Full Text :COPYRIGHT 2000 Ken Haycock & Associates, Inc.

Library public relations, promotions and communications: A how-to-do-it manual

Lisa Wolfe

Public relations is too often concerned with marketing, which it is not. Marketing places the client at the center and determines how to best meet identifiable needs through an examination of product [services], place [library], price [convenience] and promotion [publicity]; public relations is the last of these but certainly not the least important--it focuses on how to get the library's message out in the most effective and cost-efficient manner. Lisa Wolfe is an experienced public relations specialist and former coordinator of communications for the American Association of School Librarians (AASL).

Wolfe enables readers to develop a plan, beginning with clarifying goals and conducting a "communications audit." She helps teacher-librarians to define the message and audience and develop a corporate identify for the library; she also provides many suggestions for improving public relations through the use of print communication, the local media, volunteers, the community, your surroundings, technology, programs and special events, and professional networks. Examples are given for specific types of libraries and techniques for evaluating your efforts are provided.

Although not aimed specifically at schools, Wolfe's background and experience make this an easily applicable and relevant work for teacher-librarians. (Neal-Schuman, 1997. 210pp. $39.95. 1-55570-266-X.)

Bottom line: Chock full of ideas so no one could forget you!

Source Citation:Haycock, Ken. "Library public relations, promotions and communications: A how-to-do-it manual." Teacher

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